Price per night340RONPrice per night440RONStandard KingsizeAir-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, minibar and cable TV.
Room size: 27 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1 extra-large double bed (200x200)
Price per night (approximate equivalent)68 EUR (single), 88 EUR (double)Price per night450RONStandard TwinAir-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, minibar and cable TV.
Room size: 27 square meters
Bed Size(s): 2 single beds (120x200)
Price per night (approximate equivalent)90 EUR (double)Price per night470RONPrice per night570RONPrice per night700RONSuperior roomAir-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, minibar and cable TV.
Room size: 50 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1 extra-large double bed (200x200)
Price per night (approximate equivalent)94 EUR (single), 114.5 EUR (double), 141 EUR (triple)Price per night600RONPrice per night700RONPrice per night800RONApartment 402Penthouse apartment with a large terrace, living area and bedroom.
Room size: 72 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1 extra-large double bed
Price per night (approximate equivalent)120 EUR (single), 141 EUR (double), 161 EUR (triple)Price per night800RONPrice per night900RONPrice per night1,000RONApartment 403 with terraceSuperior apartment with a large terrace, living area, bedroom. dressing & bathroom.
Room size: 95 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1,8 x 2,0 queen bed
Price per night (approximate equivalent)161 EUR (single), 182 EUR (double), 202 EUR (double)