FREE parking, within the limits of available places - without the possibility of reservation
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0,00 / 0,00 $
CurrencyYou will pay the hotel in the local currency (RON). The equivalent amount in EUR and USD is indicative and it is based on the BNR exchange rate.
Need help?Book by phone at +40 256 407299
Good place to stay “Reghina Blue is a good place to stay, good help, good rooms and nice facilities with pool and gym. Although not in the middle of town, getting to town is simple and cheap with taxis. People in Timisoara are very friendly and open to talk to.”
Best hotel in Timisoara “I visit Timisoara at least once a month on business and have stayed in a lot of hotels, this is the one I now stay at. Its a new hotel with a fantastic reception/bar, large rooms with English TV channels, great pool, gym and has free internet access.”
UP Romania Pluxee (Sodexo) Edenred Acceptăm carduri de vacanță UP / PLUXEE (SODEXO) / EDENRED