Access to the Reghina Blue Spa is free for all hotel’s guests.
With its dedicated complex comprising an outdoor swimming pool, fitness centre, sauna and massage, Reghina Blue offers a relaxing experience.
Leave your worries at the door and concentrate on your complete wellbeing by enjoying the complimentary access to our spa facilities.
Leave your worries at the door and concentrate on your complete wellbeing by enjoying the complimentary access to our spa facilities.
Price per night340RONPrice per night440RONStandard KingsizeAir-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, minibar and cable TV.
Room size: 27 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1 extra-large double bed (200x200)
Price per night (approximate equivalent)68 EUR (single), 88 EUR (double)Price per night450RONStandard TwinAir-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, minibar and cable TV.
Room size: 27 square meters
Bed Size(s): 2 single beds (120x200)
Price per night (approximate equivalent)90 EUR (double)Price per night470RONPrice per night570RONPrice per night700RONSuperior roomAir-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, minibar and cable TV.
Room size: 50 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1 extra-large double bed (200x200)
Price per night (approximate equivalent)94 EUR (single), 114.5 EUR (double), 141 EUR (triple)Price per night600RONPrice per night700RONPrice per night800RONApartment 402Penthouse apartment with a large terrace, living area and bedroom.
Room size: 72 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1 extra-large double bed
Price per night (approximate equivalent)120 EUR (single), 141 EUR (double), 161 EUR (triple)Price per night800RONPrice per night900RONPrice per night1,000RONApartment 403 with terraceSuperior apartment with a large terrace, living area, bedroom. dressing & bathroom.
Room size: 95 square meters
Bed Size(s): 1,8 x 2,0 queen bed
Price per night (approximate equivalent)161 EUR (single), 182 EUR (double), 202 EUR (double)